About Us

True View Education Ministries is a faith-based organization that embraces physical, mental, and moral training, in order that families be fitted for eternity. We believe in the principles of true education as outlined in the Bible. We provide families with a true view of what God desires for the education of our families.

Our specific purpose shall include but not be limited to the following:

  • to do service for God.
  • to work for the uplifting of humanity from the degradation of sin.
  • to provide training to help bring about unity and order in families so they may represent the family of heaven.
  • to study of the Inspired writings of Ellen White.
  • to provide opportunities for families to grow and interact through Bible study, book clubs and family retreats.

Our Vision

Our vision is to educate for eternity.

Our Mission

Our mission is to please God and serve others.

Our Values

We believe the purpose of true education is character building.

We believe true education must be founded upon Bible, Nature, Work and Experience. As such each student is expected to do Bible, Nature Study, Work (in the form of household chores) and gain Experience through service to others.

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